
2k8....s0 long ago.

Over the holidays I had every intention of sitting down and typing up a new post about albums I had enjoyed in 2008. I... didn't do that. But since I put a reasonably amount of effort into a haphazard ranking of '08 releases (and by that I mean, "the ones I actually listened to more than once"), I figured I might as well share the list. Here we go:

(ranked "favourite" to "MOST favourite")

Santogold/Diplo, Top Ranking
Annie, Don't Stop
MGMT, Oracular Spectacular
Santogold, Santogold
Hot Chip, Made in the Dark
Kleerup, Kleerup
Kid Cudi, a KiD named CuDi
Alaska in Winter, Dance Party in the Balkans*
El Guincho, Alegranza!
Air France, No Way Down EP
Man Man, Rabbit Habits
Rainbow Arabia, The Basta EP
Fuck Buttons, Street Horrrsing
High Places, High Places
Izza Kizza, Kizzaland
Animal Collective, Water Curses EP
Memory Cassette, Rewind While Sleeping EP
Lykke Li, Youth Novels
Bon Iver, For Emma, Forever Ago*
Crystal Castles, Crystal Castles
Fleet Foxes, Fleet Foxes
Beach House, Devotion
Animal Collective, Merryweather Post Pavilion**

*these albums actually came out in 2007 but hey, who's counting?
**this album actually came out in 2009, dunno if you heard.

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