
mystery jets remixx

I actually don't particularly care for Mystery Jets. They kind of remind me of that chick flick from a few years ago where Hugh Grant played a washed-up pop star, but sadly I think that's the point. Regardless, I'd say authentic corny 80's pop is superior to ironically corny 80's-sounding modern pop any day. Mystery Jets: FAIL.

However... this Duke Dumont re-work?


Download !! >> here

Maybe it's gold.... 'cos it sounds nothing like the original? Actually, how this even qualifies as a "remix" is what's truly mystifying. It's good though. Scratch that -- it's fucking GREAT. The breakdown in the middle? Amazing. I love it.

And fine, I will admit... as irritating as I find Mystery Jets' music, their outfits in that photograph are FAB.

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