Facebook changed again, and, like the last few times, the changes weren't necessarily for the better. It always seems that as bad as I think a
Facebook change is, they never fail to followup with an even uglier and more confusing interface update.
Anyway, even though the last few times I've said I was quitting
Facebook "forever" to protest the changes, this time, I really do anticipate distancing myself from the
it considerably. I've realized that
Facebook is trying way too hard to be EVERYTHING you would need on the Internet... a blog, a Twitter page, a Delicious account, a
Flickr account, an online gaming site, etc, etc.
Facebook is none of those things, and thus it inevitably fails at offering a better version of any of those services.
Facebook's prime was when it was one site, with one service -- a clean, easy-to-use social networking service that let you find friends and communicate them. By adding all these other bells and whistles, suddenly we're being overwhelmed with everyone and their mom's every move on the Internet. (Quite literally. I mean, even my mom's on
FB now...)
So, I'm making it a resolution to move my online presence elsewhere. I'll use this blog for longer posts,
my new Tumblr page for shorter ones, and against all expectations, I'm actually going to embrace the Twitter fad and move
there for micro-updates. Lucky for you all, it'll all be here on my Blogger page. Oh, and I think I'm going start a
Flickr account. I've been complaining about
Facebook's shit photo service for long enough, so I figure it's about time to just give up on it.
Here's to a new era of web presence.
Love, peace, and
emilysaurus rexxx