I really despise Facebook.
The blatant irony here is that I,
like most college students, spend more time on Facebook than any other website. I spend more time on Facebook each day than I do watching TV. I spend more time on Facebook than I do reading non-school related things! It's gross.
So why do I do it? I have to wonder myself, as most of my time on Facebook each day consists of me rotating between checking my home page... checking my profile... checking my friends page. Click, click, click. It's amazing how much time I can waste looking at uninteresting photographs from nights out, or reading the wall-to-walls of people I barely know, or sketchily checking the profiles of a few equally sketchy characters.
And so - I sacrifice valuable time I could be a) learning, b) exercising, or c) actually interacting with people, to sit on my ass and look at pictures of people and records of things they once said because it was so, haha, funny and relevant at the time.
I've decided instead of wasting time observing other people, I will be selfish and observe myself. Thus!: more blogging.
My sincere apologies.